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If we are going to create freedom in our lifetime, we need to explore alternative ways to build community, and remove ourselves from centralized institutions that corrupt and erode.

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If we are going to create freedom in our lifetime, we need to explore alternative ways to build community, and remove ourselves from centralized institutions that corrupt and erode.

A Special Message From Jeff Berwick

It’s been five months since Anarchapulco 2024 concluded in Acapulco in February.

And, in that time, World War III has moved forward at a torrid pace, the genocide in Gaza has gotten even worse and the World Economic Forum is preparing for Disease X and already has the lethal injections (vaccines) ready to be delivered door-to-door as soon as it is launched.

Meanwhile, Western governments continue putting their tax slaves into massive amounts of unpayable debt and have been printing money like Zimbabwe leading to massive inflation leaving many in the West barely able to afford groceries. And, what groceries they do buy are laden with MRNA vaccines and other toxins. All this while they spray them from above with aluminum and barium which is literally making people dumber, fatter and even gayer!

If you aren’t smart and prepared you will likely soon end up in smart city concentration camps like the ones they’ve just launched in Quebec, Canada where you’ll need a QR code, sufficient carbon credits and a good social credit score to leave your city… and that’s if your electric vehicle isn’t already set-up with geofencing so they can limit your travel during the next planned crisis.

For those of you who attended Anarchapulco in February, the memories of incredible times, great conversations, meeting new friends and the smell of coconut oil mixed with the sea breeze are likely fading fast.

And, the tan is likely long gone.

We don’t want to leave you hanging though! You probably learned about incredible ways of living, ways of staying alive and healthy and were inspired by Anarchapulco’s speakers to make great new changes in your life.

But, you don’t have to wait another year to get all that and more again!

We just hosted a two day virtual event to make sure you have everything you need to survive the Great Reset and to keep you informed and inspired until we can all meet again in person.

It is called ‘The Non-Conformist Series: Decentralized Societies Edition’ and you can purchase the lifetime replay and start watching right now.

Special Price Ends in.....

Meet our Speakers

We have gathered some of the most amazing speakers we could find to lead this Master Class on how to not only survive through the Great Reset and Apocalypse but how to THRIVE!

Jeff Berwick

The Dollar Vigilante

Tom Barnett

Living Free Movement

Ernest Hancock

Freedom's Phoenix

Cal Washington

In Power Movement

Just some of the important topics discussed are:

- DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)

- Intentional Communities, a hot discussion topic at Anarchapulco every year  

- Issuing Notice of Liabilities to keep the b$stards honest

- How to travel the world as a crypto nomad

- How to build a parallel economy through concepts like Larken Rose's Iron Web

- Tools for effective communication in group settings

And much more than that!

The voters, taxpayers and statists are quickly turning life into hell on Earth in many parts of the world. But you don’t have to go down with them. You can be armed with all the right information to stay out of their blast radius. You’ll know what to do, where to go and how to be prepared for all of the chaos to come.

And, if you do it right, you might end up with a whole new community full of people with which you have a beautiful connection and have access to healthy food, clean water and air.

And, as many people in the world end up being blindsided and destroyed by the systems they have supported and enabled… hopefully you’ll be like me and living happily and safely outside of all their collapsing systems… and even profiting from doing so!

I expect that by the end of it you’ll feel recharged, excited and inspired with all the new information and resources you learned about.

It’s like a mini-Anarchapulco. And, you don’t even have to get on a plane and spend lots of money to get here. In fact now you can get this amazing content, on your own time to have access to for a lifetime! Or, hope your Boeing DEI safety inspector remembered to bolt the engines on or that your pilot didn’t get his most recent blood clotting booster.

Don't wait, get the replay now for just $129

It’s like a mini-Anarchapulco. And, you don’t even have to get on a plane and spend lots of money to get here. Or, hope your Boeing DEI safety inspector remembered to bolt the engines on or that your pilot didn’t get his most recent blood clotting booster.

Now you can get unlimited lifetime replays of the event and watch it all when you can… all from the comfort of your own home.

Get your replay now before prices go up on July 17, 2024. We know you have a busy life but in order to keep living that life in freedom and health it is quite crucial that you make sure you have access to all the information and inspiration we’ll be offering in mid June!

I’ll look forward to talking to you then!

-Jeff Berwick

Get your Replay for only $129

Prices go up on July 17, 2024, so get the replay now at this amazing price!