🔥Better yourself at Anarchapulco! 

This year the workshops offered during the conference are promising to be at the very least mind-expanding… at most, possibly life-changing. 

If you fully participate in all of the Anarchapulco Reborn X workshops, retreats, and events your life will surely never be the same again. 

When you sign up for these workshops you get to meet the people who are currently driving change… you can ask them questions and learn directly from the top minds in your area of interest. 

Some of the workshops offered this year are:
The King's Calling: Your Next Leg on the Hero's Journey Workshop with Beth Martens

Introduction To Stateless Water Workshop with Chad Schwartz

Become your own private banker: The truth about money and negotiable instruments Workshop with Andrew Kaufman
To see the full list of workshops check the tickets page. 

Make sure you register early as some of the workshops have strict audience limits. 

- The Anarchapulco Team

PS: If you want to see the Retreats offered at the conference (and before and after) just check the tickets page and click on Retreats on the left. 

PPS. Also check the Agoraforko page as more workshops and events are going to be added in the coming days. 

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