
Love what we do?
Consider donating to help support the event. Or you can contact [email protected] for sponsorship opportunities.

Anarchapulco has been a labor of love, financed entirely by the Berwick family since inception to inspire the freedom and truth movement.

In order for it to continue and be a success we need everyone to help... either in the form of coming to the event, helping promote the event or buying the Virtual Replays (which you can get at https://anarchapulco.com/av).

Or even through donation.

The Anarchapulco team not only managed to help save Acapulco itself (thanks to many of your donations) but also pulled off it's successful 10th anniversary event even though it only had 3 months to pull it all together after being hit by a Category 5 "Hurricane" Weather Weapon in October.

Because of this, and due to having reduced time to do promotions and marketing for the event we lost $50,000 on the 2024 event.

We are asking anyone who cares about the event continuing to donate any small amount of money to help us bridge this deficit and be able to continue on at full force for our 11th annual event coming up in February 2025!

Please consider a donation of any size here.


Thank you! - Jeff Berwick, Lucy B Tacos, the Berwick family and the Anarchapulco team




You can send Paypal Donations to the email [email protected]

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