Adios PayPal: Why We Are No Longer Accepting PayPal

It’s come to our attention that PayPal has quietly instituted the policy in regards to their “Acceptable Use Policy”. This states that anyone that doesn’t fully comply with it can be charged $2500 USD for every violation of this policy. Evidently the money is used to pay for the investigation into your account in the first place. 


Here’s the rundown of what they consider to be grounds for violation that may relate to our event: 

  1. relate to transactions involving (a) narcotics, steroids, certain controlled substances or other products that present a risk to consumer safety, (b) drug paraphernalia, (c) cigarettes, (d) items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity, (f) the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory or the financial exploitation of a crime, (g) items that are considered obscene


I’m sure you can tell reading that why we don’t want to accept this form of payment anymore. Some of our speakers have controversial views that the woke agenda might consider to be in violation.  We also offer the medicine ceremonies and will be again this year which might be of concern. Anarchapulco is a project of peace and love but that’s not to say that the “inspectors” at PayPal might feel otherwise. 


For this reason we will no longer be accepting PayPal payments. You can use a credit card in our store using Stripe or we accept crypto using NowPayments. Current list of accepted cryptocurrencies is Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Monero. 


Thanks for understanding and reach out if you have any further questions.

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