Anarchovid Bios

Speaker Bios


Mexican researcher, aware of the current situation that we are facing as humans, passionate about disclosure with my Latinoamerican community.

Mike Adams

Mike Adams, known as the "Health Ranger," is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director.

He is the founder and editor of, the internet's most-trafficked natural health news website. He is also the creator of,,, and several other websites covering natural health topics.

Adams is a prolific writer and has been called "the best health and natural products writer on the scene today." (by Ronnie Cummins, founder, Organic Consumers Association)

Alex H. (Alex_speaks_freely)

8 years ago my reality unraveled. I started questioning vaccines, and as many know, that rabbit hole will lead you down many that will, thread by thread, begin to undo the fabric of everything you once knew to be true. This was me!

My name is Alex. I am a wife and mother of 4. We live in California. I have traveled all over the world to study language and culture. My degree is in Spanish; however, the time I’ve spent researching vaccines and other difficult truths has taken much of my free time and mental space. We are living in a critical time in history. It’s exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time.

It’s easier to be quiet, yes, but when horrific bills started to get written and passed in California several years ago, I couldn’t stay silent any longer. I wrote a poem in early 2020 to help myself make sense of much of what I had been holding heavy on my heart. By the grace of God, my poem resonated with many, and from there I began partnering with other freedom fighters in the plight for freedom, truth, and exiting the toxic matrix. I find poetry a significant way to organize my thoughts and share my burden.

I aim and pray to be a faithful vessel unto God. Since I will no longer be silent on these issues, I will stumble forward, share, collaborate, and speak my truth.

Dr. Ben Tapper

Dr. Tapper is the owner of The Wellness Point in Omaha, Nebraska, and has become a global influencer to many, his word earning enough reach and attention to be nominated by mainstream narrators as one of the mighty disinformation dozen, classified to a list of highly respected names including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Dr. Rashid Buttar and Robert F Kennedy jr, Unavoidably Dr. Tapper stands as a natural leader for America against medical tyranny and Government overreach and he is continuing to press forward amidst mainstream backlash and unmerited slander, selflessly risking his reputation and livelihood in the name of truth and freedom.

Todd Cave

Todd is a former Civil and Tunnel Engineer who worked on what at the time was the biggest project in Europe called Crossrail, until his life came crashing down when he needed life changing foot surgery.

This caused him to be on crutches for 15 months which he calls the start of his refinement period during which he became overweight, sad and depressed. His life then started to change when he turned to exercise to cope with depression and reading books in order to cope with his former life being taken away from him.

If was during this time that he started to research the origins of man that lead him down the rabbit hole of trying to find himself but instead he found The Mother Father God that had been hidden from humanity.

This lead him to realise that EVERYTHING that was teach to him in school about history was a lie including the all religious books which keep man in mental slavery.

All the while he was building his mind and spirit, he also building his body which led him to be a fitness trainer who teaches men how to burn fat and build muscle with his bespoke training system called Compound Body Training.

Dr. Natalie Dyer

Dr. Natalie Dyer, PhD, is a research scientist studying the therapeutic effects of integrative medicine and spiritual practices, including yoga, meditation, Reiki, and universal love. She completed her doctorate in neuroscience at Queen’s University and postdoctoral fellowships in psychology at Harvard University and Harvard Medical School. Natalie has published many scientific articles and presented her research to diverse audiences throughout North America, Asia, and Europe. Her leadership in energy medicine research and as the President of the Center for Reiki Research has gained media coverage in Women’s Health magazine, Forbes, The Atlantic, Collective Evolution, and others. Natalie is also an energy medicine practitioner specializing in Reiki and North American, European, and Tibetan shamanic practices.

Erin Edwards

People are jumping ship en masse from big tech and looking for kinder waters. Flote is the free-port for any and every individual to build meaningful relationships online and IRL because the world is calling for better social media options. Our team is creating a place where you can share your ideas freely, monetize your content, sell your goods, transact securely in cryptocurrencies, and even meet others in virtual reality environments. All of this and more is possible on Flote.

Arielle Friedman

Arielle is based in Acapulco, Mexico, and is concerned about the rise of totalitarianism. She was a radical leftist for nine years, before concluding those ideologies tends to produce governments from Hell (or at least purgatory). She spends much of her time reading, writing, and thinking about this kind of thing. For news and updates on what she’s up to, click here.

Justin Harvey

Justin Harvey is on a mission to help elevate grassroots efforts on a multitude of issues Including, GMOs, Water Fluoridation, 5G Technology, Vaccines and more. Justin is an Orlando native, Alumni of the UCF School of Business and currently works as a licensed real estate agent. He also runs a non partisan, independent media organization called We Are Change Orlando that seeks to expose corruption and to create a community of truth-seekers who share a commitment to non-violent action. Justin’s activism is not limited to Orlando, he has traveled to Atlanta, Washington DC, New York City, and Standing Rock North Dakota to help organize and support outreach and resistance efforts across the country. As of late, he has been co-organizing rallies in opposition of the lockdowns, mask mandates, and the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Healing Hipppie

I started The Healing Hippie Tribe in 2013 and it has evolved to include a community of over 3,800 members in 22 countries and all over the United States……and growing every month!

We believe that attaining health IS SIMPLE. The human body is a self-healing, self-regulating, interconnected organism. It is disease and illness resilient; when not inflicted with toxic overload, malnutrition, and heightened emotional stress. But how does one’s body combat these stressors and become resilient? Are you ready for the answers?

It’s important to understand that WE don’t heal you. Your BODY heals itself. We simply provide the mentoring, support, and resources, including essential oils, proper nutrition, detox, and meditation, which set you on the path toward healing.

You want to THRIVE! Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. Financially.

Let us get you on the path to health! We are excited for you to join our Healing Hippie Tribe.

Max Igan

Max Igan is a researcher, lecturer, author, radio host, independent film maker and world traveler.

Richard Kayvan

Richard Kayvan is a musician, writer, activist and healer.

From 2013, Richard trained with indigenous healers in the Peruvian Amazon for 5 years, learning the ancient art of ‘curanderismo’ - specifically healing with Ayahuasca and Tobacco together with ‘Icaros' (healing songs).
He uses this knowledge and training to help others overcome sickness, addiction, life hurdles and self sabotage. 
Richard and his wife run a small healing sanctuary in Spain called Wistin Origins.

He is also a human & animal rights activist and does his best to live in accordance with Natural Law and the Essene way of peace and harmony.

Richard is passionate about baking cookies (peanut butter chocolate chip are his speciality) and Persian cuisine.

Dr. Nirdosh Kohra

After he graduated as a Medical Doctor, he took off on a life journey around the world to find a way to bridge Western and Eastern Medicine. He experienced and was trained in many Healing and transforming techniques in India, Tibet, Europe, USA, and Mexico that led him to be a co-founder of Path of Meditation (2006), of the Conscious Nutrition Academy (2007) and to create the Bodhi Medicine Institute in 2015.
Today he offers Awareness Intensive and Primal retreats, Active Meditation workshops, Men´s gatherings, Osho meditative therapies, Bodhi Medicine trainings, Osho No Mind Trainings around the world and runs a private holistic Medical practice in Mexico, Greece, Brazil, and other places of Europe.


Kozi is a health freedom activist and independent health journalist bringing you facts, data, and truth with integrity.

His mission is to teach people about natural healing and to ensure that every human being has the right to choose what goes inside their body.

He has been practicing natural healing for over 2 decades and fighting against medical tyranny for more than a decade.

Talia Likeitis

Talia has been an advocate for medical freedom for the past decade. She considers herself a "religious freedom refugee". After the initial Covid lockdowns, her family's goal of "homesteading and homeschooling" skyrocketed to the top of their priority list. They left their home in NV and are all experiencing the good, the bad and the ugly sides of de-colonizing their minds and getting on the path to self-sufficiency.

Toby Rogers, Ph.D., M.P.P.

Dr. Toby Rogers has a Ph.D. in political economy from the University of Sydney in Australia. His doctoral thesis, “The Political Economy of Autism,” explores the regulatory history of five classes of toxicants that increase autism risk. Dr. Rogers shows that the public health problem of autism starts with the political economy problem of regulatory capture. He also has a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley, where he was a researcher for former U.S. Labor Secretary, Robert Reich. Dr. Rogers works with elected officials and grassroots medical freedom groups across the country to pass legislation to stop the autism epidemic.

Dr. Carrie Madej

Dr. Carrie Madej is originally from Dearborn, Michigan and received her medical degree from Kansas City University of Medical Biosciences in 2001. She then completed her traditional internship at the The Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia and internal medicine residency at Mercer University in Macon Georgia.

Dr. Madej served as a private clinician and medical director of clinics in Georgia until 2015. Dr. Madej also served as an attending physician for the Pennsylvania College of Osteopathic Medicine - Georgia Campus, where she mentored students in clinical applications of internal medicine for 8 years. She has served as a public speaker and was featured in the documentary, “The Marketing of Madness” about the overuse of prescription psychotropic medicines.

Dr. Madej now dedicates her time educating others on vaccines, nanotechnology, and human rights via multiple platforms and speaking engagements.

Henna Maria

Henna Maria Vermeulen is an activist, speaker, writer and practitioner of ancestral healing arts, which she learnt apprenticing with the Shipibo tribe in the Amazon rainforest. In 2019 Henna founded Dawn of Peace, a creative community and peace organisation. Her activism focuses on educating people about the spiritual reality of life, human and animal rights, medical freedom and self-sovereignty. 

Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram
& Master Lady Kira Raa

Sri and Kira arrived at the forefront of the higher consciousness movement and have remained there for over 19 years, due to the wisdom, clarity and accuracy of the information they bring forward. With four best-selling books, two highly acclaimed/syndicated radio shows and a continual outpouring of timely information, they present extra-ordinary insights about our human origins and divine destination.

Once you experience the undeniable love of this Mystical couple, you will clearly understand why they dedicated their lives to this amazing and unique work sharing the power-full messages and experiences of peace (Shanti), Love (Bhakti), and Joy (Ananda) through the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

Sri and Kira emanate the energy of Naked Authenticity through the gift of Universal Spirituality known as The Yoga of Self-Ascension.

The recognition of ALL beings have the full nature of the sacred inside themselves. The ability to call forward divine abundance assisting the sincere spiritual seeker to that glorious moment where the journey transcends dogma and becomes a Direct Mystical Experience.

The Yoga of Self-Ascension affirms that you have everything you need inside of your heart to reconnect with your divine ascended presence. Sri and Kira live the expression of the Art of Ascended Living modeling Universal citizenry. They reside at TOSA Blue Mountain Sanctuary in Ecuador. 

Your heart is the direct connection with your divine nature. The Law of Instantaneous Manifestation through the loving embrace of the Yoga of Self-Ascension opens the gateway to re-discover the Magic within. Welcome home to your divine self, beloved one.

David James Rodriguez

David James Rodriguez helps parents empower their children using homeschooling, apprenticeships, and customized learning strategies.

He's the Principal of Valor Academy, a homeschool coach, and publisher of "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto, the world renowned teacher.

Also, he founded the Education Options Expo, and Education Options TV, where he has introduced 1,000’s of parent to respectful schools and approaches to learning, and interviewed world leaders who are demonstrating the future of education today.

He's passionate about Getting All of The Thinkers Out of forced schooling, so he created the GATTO project, which is accomplished by helping teenagers with accelerated graduations and by creating apprenticeships. Also, he helps for parents transition their children from public school to homeschooling.

He’s the host of the Freedom Lovers Show, where the goal is to build a voluntary world, one relationship at a time.

Born and raised in California, he sold his first business at age 26.

Find him on the web at – IG/Telegram: FreedomLoversShow or, or text him at (831) 218-8049.

Dean Ryan

Dean Ryan is the Founder of RealDealMedia.TV and Host of the 'Real Deal Report' the 1st original show to emerge Day 1 of the COVID Lockdown.
Over the last decade, Ryan has produced some of the most compelling shows for Infowars, 21st Century Wire, Coast To Coast AM, NextNewsNetwork, News2Share, Natural News and iHeart Media.

Josh Sigurdson

Josh Sigurdson is the founder and CEO of World Alternative Media. Once the fastest growing independent media in the world, today WAM is proudly censored by almost every major platform. Josh has been promoting voluntaryism since 2006 at the young age of 12 and has warned about vaccine passports and centralized technocracy since 2009.

Over the past couple of years, Josh has traveled to countless countries throughout the world as a nomad and has been featured on National Geographic and History Channel for his work hitchhiking through 3rd world West Africa, exploring ancient sites throughout the Middle East and most recently, reporting on freedoms globally during "lockdown."

In 2020, Josh went to 13 countries and 32 US states despite restrictions because, as he says "If someone tells me something is dangerous, I do it. If someone tells me I can't do something, I do it as many times as possible."

Terry Tillaart

PhD In Natural Medicine, Chinese Medicine Educator, Crypto Enthusiast, Fellow Deplatformed Truther.

Macey Tomlin

Macey Tomlin is the co-producer of Anarchapulco 2021 and life-long student of indigenous medicines used throughout Central and South America. She has been a speaker at Anarchapulco since 2016 and has been an active Anarchapulco community member devoted to help build a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. In 2010 she attained her Reiki Level 1 & 2, and her Reiki Level Masters in 2011, which kicked off her journey into the spiritual realms. In 2017 she became a student of the Shipibo Tribe in a passionate attempt to learn about the ways of the sacred medicine, known as Ayahuasca. She accomplished three long-term plant dietas and later became the assistant manager of the Ayahuasca center that she learned from. She also spent time in Sedona, AZ learning about traditional Native American Shamanism before permanently moving back to Mexico to learn the ways of traditional Mexican medicine in 2020. Other accomplishments include organizing medicinal ceremonies and retreats from 2018 to 2020, and producing the AnarchAWAKENing Conscious Gathering 2019 and 2021 in Acapulco, Mexico.

Benny Wills

Benny Wills is best known as the "Conspiracy Guy" from JoyCamp. He's also a poet, emcee and host of MEME Monday every week on his YouTube / BitChute / Odysee channels. In addition, Benny helps people build bridges of communication through his online course, Parrhesia: The Art of Communication. Having trouble talking about difficult subjects with friends and family members? Talk to Benny.

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