Dire Situation in Acapulco - Media Blackout - They Need Your Help

This is Jeff Berwick.

I’ll keep this short as time is of the essence.  We finally received word from inside Acapulco this morning and the situation is dire.  Nearly the entire town has been wiped out.  Almost everyone is homeless and due to the storm almost all food and water has been destroyed and, of course, the government is not only not doing anything to help but are actively trying to stop media from reporting on it.

I have produced the following video urgently to get the word out there, please watch.

The entire Anarchapulco and TDV team have sprung into action.  We have already created a website at and a GoFundMe at  Crypto addresses are listed on the website as well if you’d like to donate with crypto. 

Danny Sessom of the Anarchapulco team has already driven down to Acapulco and will be arriving tonight.  Jason Henza, from HBO’s The Anarchists, is also en route from Morelia.

And, I have many of my staff and team already on the ground passing out food, water and supplies that I have financed but we need a lot more help.

Please watch the video, share it and the website or GoFundMe with whoever you can and help in any way you can.  We can also use more people on the ground, please post in the Anarchapulco Telegram if you can help.

We may have to move Anarchapulco to a different location in 2024 by the looks of things but we’ll update you on that as we figure out what is going on and what is possible.  But, that is not important right now.

What is important is that we come to the aid of the people in Acapulco to help them survive and recover from what has happened to them.  And, this was not a natural storm by the way.  I’ll be discussing that more in future videos at The Dollar Vigilante.

In the meantime, please help in any way.  We have not heard from the Marsh Children’s Home yet as we can’t get through to Diamante at the moment.  Many people are still unknown or missing.

Please help us help them.

Thank you,

Jeff Berwick

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