Have you seen the Jones Plantation?

With a screen play written by Anarchapulco favorite Larken Rose, Jones Plantation is destined to be a cult classic and at the forefront of American Dissident Cinema. With the premise being that 'not all slaves wear chains'.

The official online launch was on August 5th and now you can access the Original film, the Director's Commentary Edition or the All Access Pass through this link.

What are people saying about the film?

"Jones Plantation – A Five Star Movie! The movie did not disappoint! The use of allegory and satire in this movie was nothing less than brilliant." 

Sherry Peel Jackson - Business Strategist, Author, and International Speaker 

"Jones Plantation found the right way to have the conversation about our relationship with the State. Whether the chains are visible or not, we never really got off of the plantation, and sometimes it takes an outstanding story to wake up the sleeping public." 

Charlie Robinson - Co-Author, The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire   
So, why delay? Be part of the artistic side of history! Buy Lifetime Access to the film now!

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