Key Sovereign Living Mentors

Tired of talking about the problems?

Looking for ways to enhance your sovereign skills, but don’t know where to begin?

We got you. 

We have 3 days of next level conversations, pragmatic examples and tangible actions you can take in the areas of Building Resilient Communities, Food Growing and Raising Liberated Families. 

The summit takes place from Aug 11th to Aug 13th, and is free to attend live! 

Some talks to get excited about:

Marjory Wildcraft : How To Grow Half of Your Own Food in a Backyard in Less Than an Hour per Day

Join Marjory, as she tours her property, showing you how to create and grow the calories you need to survive any government induced famine or ‘natural’ disaster. Marjory has decades of self tested experience in the areas of homesteading and growing food as shown on her platform The Grow Network. You also will get access to a swag of extras with this presentation as it was way too much to fit into the timeslot! Marjory will be on the livestream for Q&A so get your questions ready.

Imani Mamalution & Paul River Richardson: A decentralized educational model of returning to the land with Healthy Hemp Homes

Learn about the new project Imani and River have coming up in Tennessee, how they see returning to the land as the answer and how they intend to structure their community under a PMA (don’t know what a PMA is - come along and find out!). Get inspiration and ideas from their model and see how you can easily gain the information you need to build your own healthy hemp dwellings through their Haven Earth Trade School.

Rachel Vaughan: True Child Protection

What would the world be without healthy, happy, joyful and nurtured children? Well, actually we are seeing what that world is like right now as the results of childhood trauma roll out around us. Australian Rachel is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and presents a two pronged approach covering both the physical and non-physical dangers to our children. As an insider and supporter of current victims of the system she has integral information to share.

+++Want to listen to these amazing speakers and others? And ask them questions? Most of the speakers are coming on live for Q&A and the end of each day has a round table discussion with the speakers of that day. So sign up, show up and participate by getting your ticket to the Nonconformist Summit today!

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