Lights Camera Action! Larken Rose's New Movie

Hello Anarchapulco Family,

We are excited to announce to all of you the incredible feature film that Larken Rose, a long time Anarchapulco speaker, is about to finish, and how you can get involved. It is called The Jones Plantation. The film takes place in the antebellum south on a slave plantation.

This film is an allegory about freedom intended to help the mainstream viewer understand our true reality and how the ruling class use illusions in order to control us. It is designed as a bit of a ‘Trojan Horse’ with its anti-authoritarian message and it will help the viewer question how free we truly are.

Here is the short animated story that inspired the production of the film:


Here are some cool behind the scenes glimpses into what is being done:



An update from Larken:



WE NEED YOUR HELP! You can get involved and help make this happen. Larken and the team are in post production. Post production is very expensive. The greater the quality of the film, the more mainstream an audience will want to watch it and learn the message of freedom. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING HERE :). There are several different rewards for different levels of donations.
This is your opportunity to help us all leave a positive mark on the collective psyche in a new and exciting way!!

Alternative methods of funding:

BTC: bc1q9w93mjff887gm7muw3ac8h6jc7s9dpwhguse73

BCH: qr6ple4up0k97nlh4n5d8rmr00yr9yutl5zhewndjm



Venmo: @drewmedia

We can and are happy to accept any and all crypto. If anyone has a coin they want to contribute not listed, just let us know and we'll forward over a wallet address.


The film is directed by Drew Treglia. Subscribe to his YouTube channel to see all of the cool behind the scenes stuff from the set!


We will most likely be premiering this movie at Anarchapulco 2023. Or at least show part of it. Please consider supporting this brilliant project. Feature films and other entertainment are a great way to appeal to the masses with the philosophy of freedom. Millions of people love pro-freedom movies such as The Hunger Games and V For Vendetta. Larken’s work here is a great new way for our community to break new ground.

Here is Larken' incredible presentation from Anarchapulco 2020!

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