Looking for more information about Agoraforko?

Hi there!

This is Lily Forester, producer of the Agoraforko part of the event here to explain to you a bit of the history of where this event was born, as well as where it’s headed for 2023 and hopefully beyond! This is an experiment in decentralized event planning and I hope you will be a part of it! This an event built by the community, for the community and is the first official decentralized portion Anarchapulco has ever had!

This event is based off of an event I produced in 2018 called Anarchaforko. A more in depth story of that is told in the HBO series The Anarchists but I will attempt to share a condensed version here because that story lays the basis of where and why this portion of Anarchapulco is even happening!

Note: All the photos in this post are from the first Anarchaforko in 2018.

The Story of Anarchaforko…

This was an event born in the criticisms and dreams of those attending the event in the earlier days. While many really loved the traditional conference atmosphere that Anarchapulco can provide, many craved more. When I say traditional conference atmosphere I refer specifically to format, not the content itself. Anarchapulco’s main event follows a traditional format in which there are now 5 days of themed content, scheduled throughout the day, usually speeches or workshops. We provide the schedule, the content, everything that is seen for that event in a format that makes it easy for attendees to just show up and enjoy the show.

Many coming to Acapulco for this event had the cravings for more. In those days, I was meeting many people who wanted to be involved who simply just didn’t have enough community recognition yet to be put on the main stage. After all the slots available on Anarchapulco’s main stage during the event are highly sought after. There’s only a limited amount of time there! So people wanted to be able to contribute more to Anarchapulco and the events that surrounded it. They also wanted to experience more of the area itself!

If you’ve had these feelings Agoraforko is for you.


One of the special things about Anarchapulco is the fact that it attracts many different types of people and many of those people come to the event early and stay long after its done. There have naturally always been events that happen before and after the conference which are generally less organized than what we are going for here with the fork.

The original intention of the fork was two fold.

First to give people a platform to put their own content out there for other attendees to see and become involved with. Second was to inspire people to decentralize not only the content but the locations so people could experience more of the surrounding area. There is much more to Acapulco than the Bonfil area, however beautiful it and our venue for the main event The Jardin Secreto may be. There’s the main bay, the botanical gardens, an archaeological site, an island to visit and SO many more things that can be done in the area.

In 2018, it was a rich event with workshops, speeches, parties, restaurant meetups and even a scuba diving trip. It was unlike any event I’ve been involved with. We did rent a location for 3 days of the several weeks the event ran for but left the ability to schedule wide open to the participants. If you wanted to know what was happening with the schedule, you had to check regularly because it was constantly changing. The calendar was setup so that if you wanted to add an event, all you had to do was log in and add it and it’d be live. No waiting for approval.


Agoraforko will work the same way.

When you post an event on the calendar it will be viewable immediately upon submission.

If you want to offer a paid ticketed event, there will be a process outlined in another post for having tickets for posting on the website, although free events are encouraged.  You can also take ticket funds for your specific event in person if you prefer, the paremeters for that process is outlined in the Agoraforko blog which all participants will have access to.

As far as getting the event itself on the website, all you have to do is create the idea and share it. What if you wake up one morning and decide you want to organize a dinner trip to Verde Vegan, local beloved vegan restaurant? Put it on the calendar and let people know!

Originally we intended to only have this calendar available for one week of the year February 11-18, 2023. Recently we decided to open the calendar open to attendees until the 2024 event. That means that if you really want, when you arrive in Acapulco a week before Anarchapulco starts for example, you could put an event on the calendar to meet up and have a drink with fellow Anarchists. Really you can put up a meetup at any time, anywhere in the world which will allow this to morph into a sort of global community. Perhaps this could lead to other meetups in the expat parts of Mexico like Puerto Vallarta, or a crypto meetup in Miami where a lot of anarchists are congregating. There literally are no limits.

This will allow people to put meetups all over the world and see who they might attract to their events. That being said, we will be advertising events and hosting our own Agoraforko events in the dates February 11-18, 2023. Also we will only be posting tickets on the website for events held during these dates. If you throw an event outside of these dates with a ticket price, collecting those funds is up to you.



Want some ideas of what sort of events to throw?

Beach adventures
-Trips to local attractions
-Trips to local restaurants
-Meetups for drinks

Sound good?

Follow one of the links below to get Agoraforko access today.

If you’ve already purchased one but haven’t received information on how to access the Agoraforko Dashboard, email for assistance or dm me directly on Telegram @lily_da_vine.

Agoraforko/Nightlife Access Pass (Includes Main Event Night Life)
General Admission Ticket (Includes Agoraforko)
VIP Access Ticket (Includes Agoraforko)

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