Ecstatic Dance Ceremony with Becca Tzigany


NOTICE! If you purchase this workshop you need to have either a General Admission or VIP ticket in order to access it. If you purchase one of these workshops without already having a General Admission or VIP ticket you will forfeit your access to this workshop and the money you may have paid for it.

Ecstatic Dance is a community dance ritual, based on ancient traditions in which our ancestors danced to pray, heal, seek visions, and express mourning as well as celebration.  It is free expression, so each person can move as he/she wishes...or not move at all, until something (the music, an emotion) moves them.  The participant can experience emotional release, an altered states, ecstasy, or just a fun exercise.  Because this is a Medicine Circle (the medicine is music, breath, & movement), we open sacred space on time, and do not allow drop-ins once the music has started.

Becca opens this dance with the intention of what it could be like to co-create a free, voluntaryist culture.   What would the New Earth feel like?  Come and let’s find out.  3 hours (Opening Circle, warm-up, 2+ hours of music and Closing Circle).

For participants:

* Dress in comfortable clothes (to move freely) or in layers (to sweat).

* No perfumes

* Cell phone turned off during the dance ritual

Becca Tzigany has founded community Ecstatic Dances in Hawaii (2003), New Mexico (USA, 2005) and in Ecuador (Vilcabamba, 2012).  She is certified in and has been teaching Transformational Breathwork since 1996.  She lives in Ecuador working as an author, therapist, and community activist.

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