How to Find Freedom in the 5 Levels of well-being by Lydia & Arturo de Leon


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Workshop Date and Time:  Friday, February 16, 2024 10:40 AM-1:10 PM

Workshop Length 2.5 hours


In order to experience true freedom, we really need to work and heal the various parts of our being. Having physical issues, emotional burdens, spiritual disconnection, vitality deficiency and lack of intellectual structure adds layers of restrictions that keep us far from a desired state of freedom. The Life Harmonics System® consists of five levels of development of consciousness:
Vitality & Sexuality
In this level we work on the base energy of our being: our vitality.
Through various techniques you will reconnect to your authenticity, your roots, your wildness so you can use it to fuel your creativity. You will work on your relationship with money and power, on your shadow side and taboos to bring to light hidden parts of yourself, as well as awakening your sacred sexuality through tantric practices.
Physical Health
In this level we work on healing physical issues and enhancing our biology.
Through hydration and nutrition, using supplements, herbs and superfoods, biohacking, as well as upgrading daily personal products, you will work on healing and supporting the endocrine, the immune, the digestive and the hormonal system. Also you will be given movement and exercise protocols to increase your cardiovascular health and your ability to move freely as your body is designed for.


Emotional Freedom
In this level we work on self-awareness and realization.
You will work on understanding on who you really are and what your true mission in this life is. You will be guided into a path of self-awareness, recognizing your true identity through the use of various personal chart analyses, questions, meditations, geometries and daily rituals. You will create a new vision in all levels for the life you love and an action plan to manifest it.
Mental Balance
In this level we work on unconscious programs and limiting belief systems.
You will work freeing yourself from past events, family patterns and from all that is not your own truth but accumulated from elsewhere. You will be guided to rewriting the subconscious programs that you wish to rule your life, using transpersonal psychology, systemic constellation, meta genealogy work and psychomagic.
Spiritual Harmony
In this level we work on self-awareness and realization.
You will work on understanding on who you really are and what your true mission in this life is. You will be guided into a path of self-awareness, recognizing your true identity through the use of various personal chart analyses, questions, meditations, geometries and daily rituals. You will create a new vision in all levels for the life you love and an action plan to manifest it.

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