The Way of Water with Andrew Kaufman


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In “The Way of Water” Dr. Andrew Kaufman introduces the modern revolution of water science and
explains its key implications for our health.

In this workshop you will learn the following:

The Lost Knowledge of How to Properly Hydrate Your Body
- Why is there an epidemic of chronic dehydration?
- Thirst amnesia- how did we forgot to recognize thirst?
- How much water is it necessary to drink?

- The effect of food on hydration

Healing Biological Systems with Water
 How the simple act of rehydration can result in major benefits in your life right now
 The optimal pH for drinking waterHidden Truths Brought Into the Light
 What is the fourth phase of water (structured water) and why it is critical to health
 The primary water cycle: water is actually abundant

The Pure Essence of Drinking Water
 What poisons are pervasive in drinking water
 Ways to correctly purify your water

The included Hydration Protocol by Andrew Kaufman, M.D. is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to achieving a state of full hydration and how to maintain your internal water balance over time. This guide includes answers to all the common questions about drinking water as well as overlooked information, such as how to distinguish thirst from dehydration, and how your food affects your water level.

The accompanying Water Intake Diary provides a graphic format to record your progress as you carry out this 30-day Hydration Protocol.

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