Transformative Face Reading Workshop with Agnieszka Evenson


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Time and Date of Workshop: Wednesday February 14, 2024 12:10 pm- 1:10 pm


Harness the power of micro-expressions and muscle movements with the Transformative Face Reading Training. This course is designed to empower and strengthen your interactions with others. You’ll learn to connect with impact and clarity, and learn to communicate with confidence and effectiveness.


Each wrinkle and twitch is connected to a specific thought or attitude, and once you understand the deeper meaning, you’ll be able to understand yourself and others at a whole new level.


In this workshop, you will learn the basics of facial habitual patterns as based in micro expressions and what they reveal about your habitual thought patterns.


The Transformative Face Reading Workshop is designed to help you understand the deeper meaning behind micro expressions and muscle movements. You will learn how to read faces and interpret the messages they convey, allowing you to better understand yourself and others.


Agnieszka Evenson is a Master Psychosomatic Therapist who worked directly with the Founder of Psychosomatic Therapy, Hermann Muller. She has been working to develop a deep understanding of human nature over the last 40+ years. When she looks at a person she sees deep patterns in a small wrinkle... those same patterns we all subconsciously use to judge others.


Your habitual patterns are written all over your body. It's time to be truly seen.

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