Whole Life Detox with Catherine Bleish Bonandin


NOTICE! If you purchase this workshop you need to have either a General Admission or VIP ticket in order to access it. If you purchase one of these workshops without already having a General Admission or VIP ticket you will forfeit your access to this workshop and the money you may have paid for it.

2023 is a great year to take assessment of every area of your life and create a plan of action to become the person you are destined to be!

Catherine developed this process of Whole Life Detox after a brown recluse bite nearly took her life. Despite having a clean diet, and home free of harmful chemicals, her toxic load was so high her body could hardly function after the bite.

Once she stepped back and took a birds eye view of her life, she discovered that her relational, mental, emotional, and financial stressors were negatively impacting her life so dramatically, that her body simply couldn't find a way to return to homeostasis.

Literally every part of her life has become a toxic burden on her system. In this course, Catherine will take you along on her journey to reclaim sovereign authority over her mind, soul, finances, home, and health.

Your workbook for this course will take you through a one year plan that allows you to take a serious look at the state of your life, and will give you a step by step plan to shift what is not working.

What you will receive:
Two Hour in-person course
One digital workbook (print before you come, or read along via .pdf)
Access to a private WhatsApp group
Product discounts: all links can be found in the book.

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