Liberpulco - Steve Falconer: "The Theory of Everything"

Greetings Fellow Anarchists, Earthlings and From the “Beyond”,

When we look up at the “big blue” vast space hovering above us as we’ve been taught and knowingly refer to it as the “sky,” what do we really see up there? Even at night, when we are mesmerized by the millions of sparkling and twinkling stars we’ve been taught and told about throughout our childhoods, history via astrology, astronomy, mythology and so on. How far away are these stars and are we the only planet in the whole known universe “so far” that bears and sustains living beings like ourselves? I beg to differ, though I’ll let Steve Falconer and the “Spacebusters,” the experts and researchers do the honors of explaining and answering these fundamental questions with what they’ve come up with.

Steve Falconer, voice of a truth seeker and deep researcher on various topics covering a wide range of questionable theories and practices. Even with the name of his channel “Spacebusters” besides covering the topics of “Space, Our Home-world “Earth” he also is a “buster” of other controversial topics such as: 

  • Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory - Vaccination vs. Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition
  • The Deception of Virology - Do Viruses” Exist? Corona-“virus” vs. The Vaccine 
  • Simulation Theory - Do We Live in “The Matrix?” Understanding “OUR” Reality

If I listed every theory he discusses and has done research on and still does so to this day, I could pretty much just sum it all up to “The Theory of Everything.” No, I’m not referring to that Hollywood Picture about Stephen Hawking’s life. I’m referring to the “Master Theory” - The theory that will and forever will be conversed, researched and debated about for as long as humanity chooses to exist and doesn’t arrogantly and stupidly unexist itself. I doubt the “Big Boom” theory will happen, though don’t bet on the competence of the leaders of the world.  “Question Everything!” is the lesson to be learned from today’s report. Take in information with a “grain of salt” and not with a “grain of sugar” - because it soothes all your capable senses and keeps you in a state of ignorance and a false sense of security. “Grain of Sugar.” Yes, I just made that up. Rolls right off the tongue and satiates the taste buds.

Steve Falconer has definitely made it onto the “Big List” of Controversial Public and Prominent Figures.

Ripley’s believe it or not, his topic of choice for his discussion at the upcoming 1st Annual Liberpulco Event will definitely be an interesting and mind-bending experience to participate and tune in for. It touches on ancient teachings of sciences, spirituality and how you can easily “heal yourself” of certain deficiencies by following your Zodiac path, knowing your time, day and year of birth and “keeping” control of your physical body rather than surrendering it over to “Big Pharma” and the Pseudoscience - Experts in Mainstream Science.”

So, come join the many who are excited and eager to attend Liberpulco this coming September and be a part of the “Freedom fuelling” experience of the opening of something sovereign, special and memorable that you will never forget and don’t want to miss.

For further information and the latest updates on Steve Falconer, tune into his Spacebusters and keep up-to-date with the news on one of the mostSpacebusting” events to ever happen for Anarchists and Freedom lovers!

Get your tickets now at

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