Ayahuasca Retreat Shared Room 2024


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Note: Each product is set to one product of each type per order for the sake of registration. Each ticket will need to be linked to a specific person, so if you are buying for someone else make sure to use their name and email during checkout when you make the transaction for them.

Note: Coupon Codes will not work on retreats.

Step into the enchanting world of the Immersion de Madrecita Medicina Sagrada led by Bearheart who describes himself as an explorer of Consciousness, Healthy Relations, Nature, Sacred plant medicines, and Love. 


On this retreat, you will embark on a soul-stirring journey like no other. Prepare to be captivated by the wisdom and guidance of  Bearheart as you experience the profound healing power of sacred medicine.

Here's a glimpse of what awaits you:


Upon arrival on the 19th, you'll be welcomed into a space of tranquility and introspection, where you'll engage in group dynamics, set heartfelt intentions, and release any lingering tension in mind, body, and spirit. Indulge in a restorative massage and partake in sacred confessions around a crackling fire, followed by a delectable dinner that sets the stage for the transformative days ahead.


On the 20th, prepare for a rejuvenating sojourn to a hidden lagoon, where you'll cover your body with sacred mud from Mother Earth and receive into your body the first rays of the rising sun. Start to remember and embody the animals and elements within. 


Return to Bambuddha for a nourishing meal. Reconnect with nature in a serene beach meditation, culminating the evening with a Té de Madre Ceremonia.


(During this day you will receive 2 meals: 1st around 10am Second around 3-4pm)


As the sun rises on the 21st, engage in an integration circle after a light breakfast, and partake in gentle movement activities as you prepare for a day/night Ayahuasca ceremony commencing at 3pm.


(During this day you will receive 1 meal around 9am )


Rise early on the 22nd to an ocean plunge and revitalizing breathwork, followed by a poignant closing integration session and discussions on how to continue supporting the mission moving forward. 


(During this day you will receive 2 meals: 1st around 10am Second light meal around 2pm)


Depart feeling renewed, inspired, and empowered to embrace the journey that lies ahead.



Throughout this 3-night, 4-day retreat, you'll find yourself in the company of a kindred spirit, sharing a room and forging connections that will last a lifetime.


Join this extraordinary experience, where every moment is infused with the promise of profound personal growth and spiritual awakening.

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