WORKSHOP: Face Reading Training

Harness the power of micro-expressions and muscle movements with the Transformative Face Reading Training. This course is designed to empower and strengthen your interactions with others. You’ll learn to connect with impact and clarity, and learn to communicate with confidence and effectiveness. Each wrinkle and twitch is connected to a specific thought or attitude, and […]



Your body language determines how others see you. Learn how to unravel the hidden meaning behind your (and others’) habitual body patterns. In this workshop we will dive deep into the root causes of your habitual muscle, posture and thought patterns. Learning the meaning behind your own habitual patters will show you the way to […]


Masculine And Feminine Healing Through Dancing Our 7 Chakras

I am a passionate dancer, and dancing has been crucial on my journey of self-discovery, integrating my inner man and inner woman and healing from emotional pain and physical discomfort. Dancing without drugs and alcohol is just as potent as certain psychedelics. Conscious dance is a somatic medicine. Have you ever felt unclear about where […]


ACTIVITY: Shore fishing with a net instructional.

We will gather at Cafe Rustico. Erwin will lead the group to the ocean shore where he will show you how to shore fish with only simple equipment. Providing your quest is successful, you will return to Cafe Rustico where he will show you how to prepare and cook the fish on the open fire. […]


WORKSHOP: Face Reading Training

Harness the power of micro-expressions and muscle movements with the Transformative Face Reading Training. This course is designed to empower and strengthen your interactions with others. You’ll learn to connect with impact and clarity, and learn to communicate with confidence and effectiveness. Each wrinkle and twitch is connected to a specific thought or attitude, and […]


Own Your Body Language

Your body language determines how others see you. Learn how to unravel the hidden meaning behind your (and others’) habitual body patterns. In this workshop we will dive deep into the root causes of your habitual muscle, posture and thought patterns. Learning the meaning behind your own habitual patters will show you the way to […]


WORKSHOP: Own Your Body Language

Your body language determines how others see you. Learn how to unravel the hidden meaning behind your (and others’) habitual body patterns. In this workshop we will dive deep into the root causes of your habitual muscle, posture and thought patterns. Learning the meaning behind your own habitual patters will show you the way to […]


TALK: How And Why Do Product Manufacturers Screw You... On Purpose 

Have you ever noticed how some products just don’t seem to live up to their promises? I’ve been asking questions for a long time and some of the answers I discovered are rather disturbing. Because how could a shampoo manufacturer be purposely drying out your hair? We will discuss these and more sneaky tactics that […]


ACTIVITY: Acapulco Centro Trip

This will be an exciting trip to the Acapulco Centro! We will go get freshly squeezed juice. Go to the beach by the bay, find some lunch and lastly visit the Acapulco mercado: a giant street market that’s been around for ages – some say it might be over 10,000 years old! We’re planning to […]

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