Getting Started with Monero

To be Announced

Find out more about Monero XMR, the best crypto to use as money. Topics include: - Why XMR? - XMR vs BTC - Setting up your Monero wallet. Recommended: Cake (multicoin) wallet, or (XMR only) wallet - Storing your seed words securely with Bitwarden or LastPass - Get your first XMR free if you […]


Lily Forester's 30th Birthday Party

To be Announced

Lily Forester, coproducer as well as one of the main characters of HBO series The Anarchists is turning 30 this February! Join us on February 15th to celebrate her birth and hopefully the year that she gains legal freedom.   Donations are welcomed for the lawyer at the event. Please feel free to bring food […]


To be Announced

COMMON, GODS, NATURES, NATURAL LAWS. HEALTH & WELLBEING. PREP UP & PREPARATION. SCHEDULE..................> wrote: UNSHACKLE YOURSELF!   Greetings & Blessings for showing an interest in future courses/workshops on Common law & Health & Wellbeing 2023. Workshop , location time & date is to be started at 10am - 5pm, this is 2 day event 16th […]


Mexican Shadows & Light

To be Announced

Steele Sessions will be setting up her projectors in a house a few doors down from The House of the Crows (Max Igan's bar) in Bonfil. Come and wander through the installation and be delighted as the white walls are transformed for her take on Mexican Shadows & Light. Location to be revealed on the […]


Tarot cards: personal empowerment and liberation tool

To be Announced

Shaman and owner of TOTEM Readings Rachel White will walk attendees through her self-published TOTEM Tarot Deck, outlining simple tips and tricks for everyone to use for their spiritual growth, liberation and empowerment.


Turkic Combat Archery Workshop

To be Announced

Cesar and Cabra are organizing a special Combat Archery Workshop Archery. As many of you know, archery is an essential survival skill, a must. Especially for dissidents of the greater state, and here you will be able to initiate yourself on this deadly discipline, which works for both hunting and, in the possibility of an […]

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